Significado/tradução de frase
ECDIS 10.5.3 ECDIS should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the mariner, own ship will cross the safety contour. Favor esclarecer
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ECDIS 10.5.3 ECDIS should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the mariner, own ship will cross the safety contour. Favor esclarecer
ECDIS 10.4.4 An indication is required if the mariner plans a route across an own ship’s safety contour. Poderiam pfv esclarecer o sentido dessa frase.
Na resolução que trata do ECDIS, fala-se que: 6. DISPLAY OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Radar information or other navigational information may be added to
ECDIS 10.5.3 ECDIS should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the mariner, own ship will cross the safety contour. Favor esclarecer
ECDIS 10.4.4 An indication is required if the mariner plans a route across an own ship’s safety contour. Poderiam pfv esclarecer o sentido dessa frase.
Na resolução que trata do ECDIS, fala-se que: 6. DISPLAY OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Radar information or other navigational information may be added to