Poderiam me auxiliar na duvida abaixo:
. Segue passagem do BTM – Pg.30 – 2 Ed. :
“Highlight visual navaids as appropriate, differentiating between floating and fixed navaids and high powered and low powered lights, bearing in mind that, of choice, floating navaids should not be used as they may not be in their charted position.“
“Whenever buoys or other floating navmarks are being used as position fixing aids their own position must be first checked and confirmed that they are as shown on the chart. In situations where buoy fixing is critical, such positions can be predetermined at the planning stage by noting their range and bearing from a known fixed object or by confirming from the local VTS that all navigational aids are as charted.”
Não entendo qual a validade de pegar a marcacao e distancia da boia em relação a um objeto fixo. Não seria melhor já tomar como referencia este objeto fixo?